terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012

Design Notes Agosto 14,2012

fala manolos,bom nosso blog esteve em parada cardiaca por uns meses (não diga),então nois voltamos e vou trazer umas noticias quentinhas pra voçes (na verdade ja esfriou) então gogo:

Blood Ancient

como obter: fasendo as quests do NPC vampire loremaster

dps de liberar o merge shop faça a quest pra ganhar o iten que precisa pra comprar a Blood ancient

e agora os skills:

2 second cooldown
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. 
Smack and repeat.
25 mana, 8 second cooldown
Does moderate damage applies the and both weakens and slows your opponent for 4 seconds.
This class starts with a very decent attack. It says Moderate damage but you'll feel strong just using this one power, plus it also slows your target AND reduces their damage. It's a little expensive but balances with the cooldown and mana regen so it's not bad.
25 mana, 10 second cooldown
Causes a moderate open wound on your foe. Smelling their blood increases your STRENGTH and SPEED for 6 seconds.
Once you draw blood, your new vampire senses kick in increasing your strength stat and your haste. So this skill not only does MORE base damage than the previous skill but also buffs your damage potential. An even stronger attack then the first one with the additional bonus of a very healthy buff for you.
5 mana, 15 second cooldown
Steals some of your opponents life and causes you to heal over time. The less mana you have the stronger the Heal Over Time is.
Classic camp stuff going on here. a weak attack that also heals you over time. It's a pretty beefy heal and you can keep it going most of the time but here's where the mana regen comes in. The HoT (heal over time) gets STRONGER the less mana you have but it's really pretty easy to keep your mana up in this class so you have to time it against when you need the heal and when it will be the biggest heal possible. No real reason not to spam this skill as soon as it comes up, but to use it WELL takes skill.
Rank 4 passives
Increase STR by 10%
Increase Haste by 10%
Very fitting passives here. As you master the class you get stronger and faster... like ya do, you know,  when you're a child of the night.
50 mana, 15 second cooldown
Causes HIGH damage and stuns your opponent for 1 to 10 seconds!
Here's an interesting one. A High Damage power, which is great, but it also stuns every time. The only drawback is that it could stun for 1 second, or could stun for 10. The chances of getting a long stun are slim and the chances of a short one are great but a stun is a stun. This one is a mana pig so it's a good idea to use this before using Regen to get the most out of the heal.
Rank 10 passive
Rarely, your body takes the form of a hazy fog which reduced the amount of damage that you take to nearly 0 for 10 seconds!
Some vampires can take the form of mist or fog and you are apparently one of them. Sometimes, your form will take on the aspect of mist. It will not appear different but swords and arrows will pass right through you doing little or no damage for a full 10 seconds.